Create a folder (eg: C:\Xampp\php5.5.12-nts) for your new php installation. The default PHP installation in XAMPP is thread-safe (ts) and will be replaced later. Choose the non-thread-safe (nts) version for fastcgi usage. Download the latest PHP binaries for windows.The default folder path will be “C:\xampp\apache\modules”. Extract the files and copy “” into the apache modules folder. Download mod_fcgid binaries for windows.Search for the SERVER_SOFTWARE environment variable, which will indicate Apache version. Identify the version of Apache server that is running.You also cannot utilise the Zend opcode cache, which is included with PHP itself since PHP 5.5. Mod-PHP comes installed with XAMPP, and it is slow. Steps to Enable Zend OPcache Why install PHP + FastCGI?